
Pussyft: Spectator Sport [EP]

Pussyft: Spectator Sport [EP]
Roger Brown (1941-1997). Untitled (Theater Interior, Blonde woman, bed, green frame), 1968, oil on canvas and painted wood frame. © The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Brown family.

Keep this album hidden from your parents.

“The remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.” — Marcel Proust

I started writing the songs that would become Spectator Sport in late 2017. All are told from the point of view of a teenager or young adult and revolve around a few themes: young male curiosity, infatuation, and self-imposed loneliness. Our narrators are hooked, looking for escape through doorways leading to thrills, spills, and genuine wonder.

Listening to the EP brings you into a stationary viewpoint where everything is heard through its parts. In that sense Spectator Sport forms a cycle meant to be listened to in one sitting, like turning the lens of a kaleidoscope; each song reveals another picture.

Pussyft crafts thoughtful songs with dynamic layers, blending playful elements of 80s synth pop with distorted, guitar- driven rock and avant-garde dreaminess. Pussyft captures the delicate spaces between memory and anticipation, the exciting rush of the past, present and future.

Pussyft on Bandcamp

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